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许先哲 Xu Xianzhe: 镖人 Biaoren - Die Klingen der Wächter - Band 7 ("Blades of the Guardians", German language edition), ISBN: 978-3-03-887009-8, 9783038870098
许先哲 Xu Xianzhe: 镖人 Biaoren - Die Klingen der Wächter - Band 7 ("Blades of the Guardians", German language edition), ISBN: 978-3-03-887009-8, 9783038870098
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夏达 Xia Da: 步天歌 第一册 Bu Tian Ge - Die Ballade von den Himmelsstürmern - Band 1 ("The Song of The Sky Pacers", German language edition), ISBN: 978-3-03-887015-9, 9783038870159
夏达 Xia Da: 步天歌 第一册 Bu Tian Ge - Die Ballade von den Himmelsstürmern - Band 1 ("The Song of The Sky Pacers", German language edition), ISBN: 978-3-03-887015-9, 9783038870159
Liu Jing 刘京: Chinas Geschichte im Comic - China durch seine Geschichte verstehen - Band 5: Der Weg nach vorn - Von der frühen Republik bis zur Volksrepublik (1912 – 1949) 画说中国史5:前进的道路 - 从民国到人民共和国 (1912 – 1949)  ("Understanding China Through Comics - The Way Forward (Vol. 5): From Early Republic to People’s Republic (1912–1949)", b
Liu Jing 刘京: Chinas Geschichte im Comic - China durch seine Geschichte verstehen - Band 5: Der Weg nach vorn - Von der frühen Republik bis zur Volksrepublik (1912 – 1949) 画说中国史5:前进的道路 - 从民国到人民共和国 (1912 – 1949) ("Understanding China Through Comics - The Way Forward (Vol. 5): From Early Republic to People’s Republic (1912–1949)", b
Jidi 寂地,Ageng 阿梗: 踮脚张望 第五册  Der freie Vogel fliegt - Mittelschuljahre in China, Band 5 ("When you're standing on your tiptoe" Vol. 5, bilingual Chinese-German edition)<br>
Jidi 寂地,Ageng 阿梗: 踮脚张望 第五册 Der freie Vogel fliegt - Mittelschuljahre in China, Band 5 ("When you're standing on your tiptoe" Vol. 5, bilingual Chinese-German edition)

Liu Jing 刘京: Chinas Geschichte im Comic - China durch seine Geschichte verstehen - Band 2: Von der Epoche der langen Spaltung bis ins goldene Zeitalter - Von den Drei Reichen bis zur Tang-Dynastie (220 – 907) 画说中国史2:从大分裂到黄金时代 - 三, ISBN: 978-3-905816-79-2, 9783905816792
Liu Jing 刘京: Chinas Geschichte im Comic - China durch seine Geschichte verstehen - Band 2: Von der Epoche der langen Spaltung bis ins goldene Zeitalter - Von den Drei Reichen bis zur Tang-Dynastie (220 – 907) 画说中国史2:从大分裂到黄金时代 - 三, ISBN: 978-3-905816-79-2, 9783905816792
Jidi 寂地,Ageng 阿梗: 踮脚张望 第四册  Der freie Vogel fliegt - Mittelschuljahre in China, Bd. 4 ("When you're standing on your tiptoe" Vol. 4, bilingual Chinese-German edition)<br>ISBN: 978-3-905816-75-4,  9783905816754
Jidi 寂地,Ageng 阿梗: 踮脚张望 第四册 Der freie Vogel fliegt - Mittelschuljahre in China, Bd. 4 ("When you're standing on your tiptoe" Vol. 4, bilingual Chinese-German edition)
ISBN: 978-3-905816-75-4, 9783905816754

张晶 Zhang Jing: 隐山梦谈 第三卷 In tiefen Wäldern Träumen lauschen - Band 3 ("Talking about dreams in deep mountains", German language edition)<br>ISBN:978-3-905816-89-1, 9783905816891
张晶 Zhang Jing: 隐山梦谈 第三卷 In tiefen Wäldern Träumen lauschen - Band 3 ("Talking about dreams in deep mountains", German language edition)
ISBN:978-3-905816-89-1, 9783905816891

Jidi 寂地,Ageng 阿梗: 踮脚张望 第六册  Der freie Vogel fliegt - Mittelschuljahre in China, Band 6 ("When you're standing on your tiptoe" Vol. 6, bilingual Chinese-German edition)<br>
Jidi 寂地,Ageng 阿梗: 踮脚张望 第六册 Der freie Vogel fliegt - Mittelschuljahre in China, Band 6 ("When you're standing on your tiptoe" Vol. 6, bilingual Chinese-German edition)

张晶 Zhang Jing: 隐山梦谈 第一卷 In tiefen Wäldern Träumen lauschen - Band 1 ("Talking about dreams in deep mountains", German language edition)<br>ISBN:978-3-905816-87-7, 9783905816877
张晶 Zhang Jing: 隐山梦谈 第一卷 In tiefen Wäldern Träumen lauschen - Band 1 ("Talking about dreams in deep mountains", German language edition)
ISBN:978-3-905816-87-7, 9783905816877

Liu Jing 刘京: Chinas Geschichte im Comic - China durch seine Geschichte verstehen - Band 1: Die Fundamente der chinesischen Zivilisation - Vom gelben Kaiser bis zur Han-Dynastie (circa 2697 v. Chr. - 220 n. Chr.) 画说中国史1:中华文明的初创 - 黄帝 - 汉朝 (约公元前2697年 – 公元220年),ISBN: 978-3-905816-78-5, 9783905816785
Liu Jing 刘京: Chinas Geschichte im Comic - China durch seine Geschichte verstehen - Band 1: Die Fundamente der chinesischen Zivilisation - Vom gelben Kaiser bis zur Han-Dynastie (circa 2697 v. Chr. - 220 n. Chr.) 画说中国史1:中华文明的初创 - 黄帝 - 汉朝 (约公元前2697年 – 公元220年),ISBN: 978-3-905816-78-5, 9783905816785
张晶 Zhang Jing: 隐山梦谈 第二卷 In tiefen Wäldern Träumen lauschen - Band 2 ("Talking about dreams in deep mountains", German language edition)<br>ISBN:978-3-905816-88-4, 9783905816884
张晶 Zhang Jing: 隐山梦谈 第二卷 In tiefen Wäldern Träumen lauschen - Band 2 ("Talking about dreams in deep mountains", German language edition)
ISBN:978-3-905816-88-4, 9783905816884

Da zhentan Fu'ermosi (The great Detective Sherlock Holmes) - Volume 3 - Fei'e yu lanbaoshi<br>ISBN:978-7-5351-9295-0, 9787535192950
Da zhentan Fu'ermosi (The great Detective Sherlock Holmes) - Volume 3 - Fei'e yu lanbaoshi
ISBN:978-7-5351-9295-0, 9787535192950

Da zhentan Fu'ermosi (The great Detective Sherlock Holmes) - Volume 6 - Qigai yu shenshi<br>ISBN:978-7-5351-9298-1, 9787535192981
Da zhentan Fu'ermosi (The great Detective Sherlock Holmes) - Volume 6 - Qigai yu shenshi
ISBN:978-7-5351-9298-1, 9787535192981

Da zhentan Fu'ermosi (The great Detective Sherlock Holmes) - Volume 1 - Zhui xiong 20 nian<br>ISBN:978-7-5351-9293-6, 9787535192936
Da zhentan Fu'ermosi (The great Detective Sherlock Holmes) - Volume 1 - Zhui xiong 20 nian
ISBN:978-7-5351-9293-6, 9787535192936

Da zhentan Fu'ermosi (The great Detective Sherlock Holmes) - Volume 4 - Huabandai qi'an<br>ISBN:978-7-5351-9296-7, 9787535192967
Da zhentan Fu'ermosi (The great Detective Sherlock Holmes) - Volume 4 - Huabandai qi'an
ISBN:978-7-5351-9296-7, 9787535192967

Da zhentan Fu'ermosi (The great Detective Sherlock Holmes) - Volume 2 - Si ge shenmi de qianming<br>ISBN:978-7-5351-9294-3, 9787535192943
Da zhentan Fu'ermosi (The great Detective Sherlock Holmes) - Volume 2 - Si ge shenmi de qianming
ISBN:978-7-5351-9294-3, 9787535192943

Da zhentan Fu'ermosi (The great Detective Sherlock Holmes) - Volume 5 - Yin li shen ju shizong an<br>ISBN:978-7-5351-9297-4, 9787535192974
Da zhentan Fu'ermosi (The great Detective Sherlock Holmes) - Volume 5 - Yin li shen ju shizong an
ISBN:978-7-5351-9297-4, 9787535192974

Jimmy Liao: Die Sternennacht (German language edition)<br>ISBN:978-3-905816-69-3, 9783905816693
Jimmy Liao: Die Sternennacht (German language edition)
ISBN:978-3-905816-69-3, 9783905816693

Jingling meng Ye Luoli - Season 1 (6 tomes)<br>ISBN:0000023777456, 0000023777456
Jingling meng Ye Luoli - Season 1 (6 tomes)
ISBN:0000023777456, 0000023777456

Da Zhonghua xunbao xilie (18) - Liaoning Xunbao ji<br>ISBN:978-7-5568-1474-9, 9787556814749
Da Zhonghua xunbao xilie (18) - Liaoning Xunbao ji
ISBN:978-7-5568-1474-9, 9787556814749

Xiegei ertong de Zhongguo lishi (Illustrated Chinese History for Children)<br>ISBN:0000023427436, 0000023427436
Xiegei ertong de Zhongguo lishi (Illustrated Chinese History for Children)
ISBN:0000023427436, 0000023427436

Jingling meng Ye Luoli - Season 2 (6 tomes)<br>ISBN:0000023852285, 0000023852285
Jingling meng Ye Luoli - Season 2 (6 tomes)
ISBN:0000023852285, 0000023852285

Chali jiushi Vol. 26 - xueshan jumo (Charlie IX & DoDoMo - The Troll on The Snow Mountain)<br>ISBN:978-7-5342-9249-1, 9787534292491
Chali jiushi Vol. 26 - xueshan jumo (Charlie IX & DoDoMo - The Troll on The Snow Mountain)
ISBN:978-7-5342-9249-1, 9787534292491

Da Zhonghua xunbao xilie -  Sichuan xunbao ji<br>ISBN:978-7-5391-8309-1, 9787539183091
Da Zhonghua xunbao xilie - Sichuan xunbao ji
ISBN:978-7-5391-8309-1, 9787539183091

Da Zhonghua xunbao xilie -  Jiangsu xunbao ji<br>ISBN:978-7-5391-9179-9, 9787539191799
Da Zhonghua xunbao xilie - Jiangsu xunbao ji
ISBN:978-7-5391-9179-9, 9787539191799

Da Zhonghua xunbao xilie -  Henan xunbao ji<br>ISBN:978-7-5391-9451-6, 9787539194516
Da Zhonghua xunbao xilie - Henan xunbao ji
ISBN:978-7-5391-9451-6, 9787539194516

Da Zhonghua xunbao xilie - Beijing xunbao ji<br>ISBN:978-7-5391-7983-4, 9787539179834
Da Zhonghua xunbao xilie - Beijing xunbao ji
ISBN:978-7-5391-7983-4, 9787539179834

Da Zhonghua xunbao xilie - Shanghai xunbao ji<br>ISBN:978-7-5391-7981-0, 9787539179810
Da Zhonghua xunbao xilie - Shanghai xunbao ji
ISBN:978-7-5391-7981-0, 9787539179810

Da Zhonghua xunbao xilie - Yunnan xunbao ji<br>ISBN:978-7-5391-9475-2, 9787539194752
Da Zhonghua xunbao xilie - Yunnan xunbao ji
ISBN:978-7-5391-9475-2, 9787539194752

Da Zhonghua xunbao xilie -  Zhejiang xunbao ji<br>ISBN:978-7-5391-8341-1, 9787539183411
Da Zhonghua xunbao xilie - Zhejiang xunbao ji
ISBN:978-7-5391-8341-1, 9787539183411

Maoyan Xiaozi Bao Dada - tushuguan li de wumianren<br>ISBN:978-7-5448-2339-5, 9787544823395
Maoyan Xiaozi Bao Dada - tushuguan li de wumianren
ISBN:978-7-5448-2339-5, 9787544823395

Maoyan Xiaozi Bao Dada - guaiwu yeye<br>ISBN:978-7-5448-2873-4, 9787544828734
Maoyan Xiaozi Bao Dada - guaiwu yeye
ISBN:978-7-5448-2873-4, 9787544828734

Maoyan Xiaozi Bao Dada - yaoguai dianyingyuan<br>ISBN:978-7-5448-2351-7, 9787544823517
Maoyan Xiaozi Bao Dada - yaoguai dianyingyuan
ISBN:978-7-5448-2351-7, 9787544823517

Maoyan Xiaozi Bao Dada - youling qiche<br>ISBN:978-7-5448-2872-7, 9787544828727
Maoyan Xiaozi Bao Dada - youling qiche
ISBN:978-7-5448-2872-7, 9787544828727

Maoyan Xiaozi Bao Dada - shi'er ge shenmi tongren<br>ISBN:978-7-5448-2871-0, 9787544828710
Maoyan Xiaozi Bao Dada - shi'er ge shenmi tongren
ISBN:978-7-5448-2871-0, 9787544828710

Maoyan Xiaozi Bao Dada - yinshen wushi<br>ISBN:978-7-5448-2350-0, 9787544823500
Maoyan Xiaozi Bao Dada - yinshen wushi
ISBN:978-7-5448-2350-0, 9787544823500

Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Yi pian shuye, liang zhi mayi ("Two ants and a leaf" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")<br>ISBN:978-7-5353-8047-0, 9787535380470
Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Yi pian shuye, liang zhi mayi ("Two ants and a leaf" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")
ISBN:978-7-5353-8047-0, 9787535380470

Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Mayi qiu ("ant ball" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")<br>ISBN:978-7-5353-8046-3, 9787535380463
Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Mayi qiu ("ant ball" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")
ISBN:978-7-5353-8046-3, 9787535380463

Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Zui haoting de shengyin ("The most pleasant sound" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")<br>ISBN:978-7-5353-8044-9, 9787535380449
Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Zui haoting de shengyin ("The most pleasant sound" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")
ISBN:978-7-5353-8044-9, 9787535380449

Chali jiushi Vol. 3 - eling qixi de wuya cheng (Charlie IX & DoDoMo - The City Full of Crows)<br>ISBN:978-7-5342-6211-1, 9787534262111
Chali jiushi Vol. 3 - eling qixi de wuya cheng (Charlie IX & DoDoMo - The City Full of Crows)
ISBN:978-7-5342-6211-1, 9787534262111

Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Guaiguai tu zhao pengyou ("darling rabbit is looking for a friend" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")<br>ISBN:978-7-5353-8051-7, 9787535380517
Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Guaiguai tu zhao pengyou ("darling rabbit is looking for a friend" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")
ISBN:978-7-5353-8051-7, 9787535380517

Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Zhuigan taiyang de xiao baishu ("little mouse chasing after the sun" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")<br>ISBN:978-7-5353-8053-1, 9787535380531
Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Zhuigan taiyang de xiao baishu ("little mouse chasing after the sun" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")
ISBN:978-7-5353-8053-1, 9787535380531

Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Ninggu de chitang ("the frozen pond" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")<br>ISBN:978-7-5353-8056-2, 9787535380562
Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Ninggu de chitang ("the frozen pond" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")
ISBN:978-7-5353-8056-2, 9787535380562

Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Kuihua zhen de gushi ("Tales of Sunflower Town" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")<br>ISBN:978-7-5353-8055-5, 9787535380555
Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Kuihua zhen de gushi ("Tales of Sunflower Town" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")
ISBN:978-7-5353-8055-5, 9787535380555

Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Fenglingr dingdang ("Wind bells jingling" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")<br>ISBN:978-7-5353-8054-8, 9787535380548
Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Fenglingr dingdang ("Wind bells jingling" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")
ISBN:978-7-5353-8054-8, 9787535380548

Chali jiushi Vol. 1 - heibeijie de wangling (Charlie IX & DoDoMo - The Souls in the B.B Street)<br>ISBN:978-7-5342-6213-5, 9787534262135
Chali jiushi Vol. 1 - heibeijie de wangling (Charlie IX & DoDoMo - The Souls in the B.B Street)
ISBN:978-7-5342-6213-5, 9787534262135

Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Mu fangzi hua fangzi ("Wooden hut - flower hut" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")<br>ISBN:978-7-5353-8060-9, 9787535380609
Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Mu fangzi hua fangzi ("Wooden hut - flower hut" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")
ISBN:978-7-5353-8060-9, 9787535380609

Chali jiushi Vol. 4 - falao wang zhi xin (Charlie IX & DoDoMo - Pharaoh`s Heart)<br>ISBN:978-7-5342-6210-4, 9787534262104
Chali jiushi Vol. 4 - falao wang zhi xin (Charlie IX & DoDoMo - Pharaoh`s Heart)
ISBN:978-7-5342-6210-4, 9787534262104

Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Heye shang de wancan ("dinner on a lotus leaf" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")<br>ISBN:978-7-5353-8045-6, 9787535380456
Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Heye shang de wancan ("dinner on a lotus leaf" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")
ISBN:978-7-5353-8045-6, 9787535380456

Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Moli ("magic" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")<br>ISBN:978-7-5353-8048-7, 9787535380487
Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Moli ("magic" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")
ISBN:978-7-5353-8048-7, 9787535380487

Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Jin guatang, yin guatang ("golden pumpkin soup, silver pumpkin soup" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")<br>ISBN:978-7-5353-8052-4, 9787535380524
Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Jin guatang, yin guatang ("golden pumpkin soup, silver pumpkin soup" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")
ISBN:978-7-5353-8052-4, 9787535380524

Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Xiao hongchuanr yao ya yao ("small red boat swinging" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")<br>ISBN:978-7-5353-8043-2, 9787535380432
Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Xiao hongchuanr yao ya yao ("small red boat swinging" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")
ISBN:978-7-5353-8043-2, 9787535380432

Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Mao Xiaohua he Shu Xiaohui ("cat Xiaohua and mouse Xiaohui" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")<br>ISBN:978-7-5353-8041-8, 9787535380418
Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Mao Xiaohua he Shu Xiaohui ("cat Xiaohua and mouse Xiaohui" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")
ISBN:978-7-5353-8041-8, 9787535380418

Chali jiushi Vol. 2 - kongbu de wunü mianju (Charlie IX & DoDoMo - The Story about Psychic Mask)<br>ISBN:978-7-5342-6212-8, 9787534262128
Chali jiushi Vol. 2 - kongbu de wunü mianju (Charlie IX & DoDoMo - The Story about Psychic Mask)
ISBN:978-7-5342-6212-8, 9787534262128

Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Wuhui huanghou ("empress of dance" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")<br>ISBN:978-7-5353-8058-6, 9787535380586
Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Wuhui huanghou ("empress of dance" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")
ISBN:978-7-5353-8058-6, 9787535380586

Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Wuqing niao ("the ruthless bird" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")<br>ISBN:978-7-5353-8057-9, 9787535380579
Yang Hongying huiben chunmei tonghua xilie - Wuqing niao ("the ruthless bird" from the series "picture books by Yang Hongying")
ISBN:978-7-5353-8057-9, 9787535380579

Huangcheng tonghua - Gululu de shuan guozi<br>ISBN:978-7-5391-7781-6, 9787539177816
Huangcheng tonghua - Gululu de shuan guozi
ISBN:978-7-5391-7781-6, 9787539177816

Lu ah, ni shi wo xiongdi (Oh Deer, My Brother Deer!)<br>ISBN:978-7-5391-6704-6, 9787539167046
Lu ah, ni shi wo xiongdi (Oh Deer, My Brother Deer!)
ISBN:978-7-5391-6704-6, 9787539167046

Huangcheng tonghua - Bingtang hulu, shei mai?<br>ISBN:978-7-5391-7780-9, 9787539177809
Huangcheng tonghua - Bingtang hulu, shei mai?
ISBN:978-7-5391-7780-9, 9787539177809

Kai feiji de da tudou<br>ISBN:978-7-5346-5813-6, 9787534658136
Kai feiji de da tudou
ISBN:978-7-5346-5813-6, 9787534658136

Cong baicaoyuan dao sanwei shuwu<br>ISBN:978-7-5056-2224-1, 9787505622241
Cong baicaoyuan dao sanwei shuwu
ISBN:978-7-5056-2224-1, 9787505622241

Fatiaoshu<br>ISBN:978-7-5346-5914-0, 9787534659140
ISBN:978-7-5346-5914-0, 9787534659140

Wo he baba dang xiao haozi<br>ISBN:978-7-5346-5807-5, 9787534658075
Wo he baba dang xiao haozi
ISBN:978-7-5346-5807-5, 9787534658075

Xiao qinghua<br>ISBN:978-7-107-26143-5, 9787107261435
Xiao qinghua
ISBN:978-7-107-26143-5, 9787107261435

Tiankong de huhuan ("The call of heaven")<br>ISBN:978-7-5346-5915-7, 9787534659157
Tiankong de huhuan ("The call of heaven")
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Shi'er shengxiao de gushi ("The story of the 12 Chinese zodiacal animals") (bilingual text and CD)
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Feixian de niaowo ("The flying bird's nest")
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Lin Haiyin nainai jiang yuyan ("Grandma Lin Haiyin Telling Fable Stories " - 4 Bände)
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Tonghua Zhongguo (Chinese Fairy Tales, Series 2, consisting of 10 books )<br>ISBN:978-7-221-09591-6, 9787221095916
Tonghua Zhongguo (Chinese Fairy Tales, Series 2, consisting of 10 books )
ISBN:978-7-221-09591-6, 9787221095916

Danao tiangong ("Making Havoc in Haven", picture book on the animation classic)<br>ISBN:978-7-5397-6046-9, 9787539760469
Danao tiangong ("Making Havoc in Haven", picture book on the animation classic)
ISBN:978-7-5397-6046-9, 9787539760469

Jingdian shaonian you: Books of Odes - The Earliest Collection of Songs<br>ISBN:978-7-5110-0743-8. 9787511007438
Jingdian shaonian you: Books of Odes - The Earliest Collection of Songs
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Liu Jing 刘京: Chinas Geschichte im Comic - China durch seine Geschichte verstehen - Band 1: Die Fundamente der chinesischen Zivilisation - Vom gelben Kaiser bis zur Han-Dynastie (circa 2697 v. Chr. - 220 n. Chr.) 画说中国史1:中华文明的初创 - 黄帝 - 汉朝 (约公元前2697年 – 公元220年),ISBN: 978-3-905816-78-5, 9783905816785
Liu Jing 刘京: Chinas Geschichte im Comic - China durch seine Geschichte verstehen - Band 1: Die Fundamente der chinesischen Zivilisation - Vom gelben Kaiser bis zur Han-Dynastie (circa 2697 v. Chr. - 220 n. Chr.) 画说中国史1:中华文明的初创 - 黄帝 - 汉朝 (约公元前2697年 – 公元220年),ISBN: 978-3-905816-78-5, 9783905816785
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夏达 Xia Da: 步天歌 第一册 Bu Tian Ge - Die Ballade von den Himmelsstürmern - Band 1 ("The Song of The Sky Pacers", German language edition), ISBN: 978-3-03-887015-9, 9783038870159
Jimmy Liao: Die Sternennacht (German language edition)<br>ISBN:978-3-905816-69-3, 9783905816693
Jimmy Liao: Die Sternennacht (German language edition)
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Liu Jing 刘京: Chinas Geschichte im Comic - China durch seine Geschichte verstehen - Band 2: Von der Epoche der langen Spaltung bis ins goldene Zeitalter - Von den Drei Reichen bis zur Tang-Dynastie (220 – 907) 画说中国史2:从大分裂到黄金时代 - 三, ISBN: 978-3-905816-79-2, 9783905816792
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张晶 Zhang Jing: 隐山梦谈 第一卷 In tiefen Wäldern Träumen lauschen - Band 1 ("Talking about dreams in deep mountains", German language edition)<br>ISBN:978-3-905816-87-7, 9783905816877
张晶 Zhang Jing: 隐山梦谈 第一卷 In tiefen Wäldern Träumen lauschen - Band 1 ("Talking about dreams in deep mountains", German language edition)
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张晶 Zhang Jing: 隐山梦谈 第二卷 In tiefen Wäldern Träumen lauschen - Band 2 ("Talking about dreams in deep mountains", German language edition)<br>ISBN:978-3-905816-88-4, 9783905816884
张晶 Zhang Jing: 隐山梦谈 第二卷 In tiefen Wäldern Träumen lauschen - Band 2 ("Talking about dreams in deep mountains", German language edition)
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张晶 Zhang Jing: 隐山梦谈 第三卷 In tiefen Wäldern Träumen lauschen - Band 3 ("Talking about dreams in deep mountains", German language edition)<br>ISBN:978-3-905816-89-1, 9783905816891
张晶 Zhang Jing: 隐山梦谈 第三卷 In tiefen Wäldern Träumen lauschen - Band 3 ("Talking about dreams in deep mountains", German language edition)
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Jidi 寂地,Ageng 阿梗: 踮脚张望 第四册  Der freie Vogel fliegt - Mittelschuljahre in China, Bd. 4 ("When you're standing on your tiptoe" Vol. 4, bilingual Chinese-German edition)<br>ISBN: 978-3-905816-75-4,  9783905816754
Jidi 寂地,Ageng 阿梗: 踮脚张望 第四册 Der freie Vogel fliegt - Mittelschuljahre in China, Bd. 4 ("When you're standing on your tiptoe" Vol. 4, bilingual Chinese-German edition)
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Jidi 寂地,Ageng 阿梗: 踮脚张望 第六册  Der freie Vogel fliegt - Mittelschuljahre in China, Band 6 ("When you're standing on your tiptoe" Vol. 6, bilingual Chinese-German edition)<br>
Jidi 寂地,Ageng 阿梗: 踮脚张望 第六册 Der freie Vogel fliegt - Mittelschuljahre in China, Band 6 ("When you're standing on your tiptoe" Vol. 6, bilingual Chinese-German edition)
Liu Jing 刘京: Chinas Geschichte im Comic - China durch seine Geschichte verstehen - Band 5: Der Weg nach vorn - Von der frühen Republik bis zur Volksrepublik (1912 – 1949) 画说中国史5:前进的道路 - 从民国到人民共和国 (1912 – 1949)  ("Understanding China Through Comics - The Way Forward (Vol. 5): From Early Republic to People’s Republic (1912–1949)", b
Liu Jing 刘京: Chinas Geschichte im Comic - China durch seine Geschichte verstehen - Band 5: Der Weg nach vorn - Von der frühen Republik bis zur Volksrepublik (1912 – 1949) 画说中国史5:前进的道路 - 从民国到人民共和国 (1912 – 1949) ("Understanding China Through Comics - The Way Forward (Vol. 5): From Early Republic to People’s Republic (1912–1949)", b
Chen Jianghong: Le cheval magique de Han Gan / The magic horse of Han Gan (Chinese edition)<br>ISBN: 978-7-5304-4012-4, 9787530440124
Chen Jianghong: Le cheval magique de Han Gan / The magic horse of Han Gan (Chinese edition)
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Chen Jianghong: Le prince tigre / Tiger Prince (Chinese edition)<br>ISBN: 978-7-5304-4013-1, 9787530440131
Chen Jianghong: Le prince tigre / Tiger Prince (Chinese edition)
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Komplettset der Serie "Xiaoxiaohai yingyuan" (10 Bände)<br>ISBN: 7-5386-1758-2, 7538617582, 978-7-5386-1758-0, 9787538617580
Komplettset der Serie "Xiaoxiaohai yingyuan" (10 Bände)
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San Guo Yanyi (from the series "the four great works of chinese literature adapted for children", with pinyin, illustrated, 1 MP3-CD included)
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Shuihu Chuan (from the series "the four great works of chinese literature adapted for children", with pinyin, illustrated, 1 MP3-CD included)<br>ISBN: 7-5315-4024-X, 753154024X, 9787531540243
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Chinese Classic Tales for Children, illustrated (with Pinyin) - Shiji gushi
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Chinese Classic Tales for Children, illustrated (with Pinyin) - Fengshen Yanyi<br>ISBN: 978-7-5342-4725-5, 9787534247255
Chinese Classic Tales for Children, illustrated (with Pinyin) - Fengshen Yanyi
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Jimi (Jimmy Liao): Nimen women tamen (something about love)<br>ISBN:978-7-5110-0978-4, 9787511009784
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