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寂地 Jidi: 我的路 Wo de lu - Mein Weg - Band 8 ("My Way", bilingual Chinese-German langauge edition)<br>ISBN: 978-3-03887-007-4, 9783038870074
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 Afanti jingdian gushi huiben xilie - Xiang lü weiba mao yiyang duo ("The classic tales of the Uighur Afanti series, picture book edition - Your Beard Is as Hairy as My Donkey's Tail", bilingual Chinese-English)<br>ISBN: 978-7-5371-5809-1, 9787537158091   Afanti jingdian gushi huiben xilie - Xiang lü weiba mao yiyang duo ("The classic tales of the Uighur Afanti series, picture book edition - Your Beard Is as Hairy as My Donkey's Tail", bilingual Chinese-English)
ISBN: 978-7-5371-5809-1, 9787537158091
 10.60CHF  Buy Now   Xingjiang Qingshaonian Press-新疆青少年出版社 
 Afanti jingdian gushi huiben xilie - yao shenme jiu gei ni shenme ("The classic tales of the Uighur Afanti series, picture book edition - You will Get What You Want", bilingual Chinese-English)<br>ISBN: 978-7-5371-5808-4, 9787537158084   Afanti jingdian gushi huiben xilie - yao shenme jiu gei ni shenme ("The classic tales of the Uighur Afanti series, picture book edition - You will Get What You Want", bilingual Chinese-English)
ISBN: 978-7-5371-5808-4, 9787537158084
 10.60CHF  Buy Now   Xingjiang Qingshaonian Press-新疆青少年出版社 
 Chen Zhiyuan: Adi he Zhuli (Artie and Julie) (bilingual Chinese [traditional characters] - English, + CD)<br>ISBN: 986-7942-82-5,  9867942825, 978-986-7942-82-1, 9789867942821   Chen Zhiyuan: Adi he Zhuli (Artie and Julie) (bilingual Chinese [traditional characters] - English, + CD)
ISBN: 986-7942-82-5, 9867942825, 978-986-7942-82-1, 9789867942821
 21.20CHF  Buy Now   Heryin Books, Inc., Taiwan - 和英出版社 
 Chen Zhiyuan: Mei mao ji (The Featherless Chicken) (bilingual Chinese-English) (+ CD)<br>ISBN: 986-7942-24-8, 9867942248, 978-986-7942-24-1, 9789867942241   Chen Zhiyuan: Mei mao ji (The Featherless Chicken) (bilingual Chinese-English) (+ CD)
ISBN: 986-7942-24-8, 9867942248, 978-986-7942-24-1, 9789867942241
 20.60CHF  Buy Now   Heryin Books, Inc., Taiwan - 和英出版社 
 Chinese Stories in Chinese Characters, Volume 1 (bilingual Chinese-English)<br>ISBN: 978-7-5406-7845-6, 9787540678456   Chinese Stories in Chinese Characters, Volume 1 (bilingual Chinese-English)
ISBN: 978-7-5406-7845-6, 9787540678456
 7.30CHF  Buy Now   Guangdong Jiaoyu Press - 广东教育出版社 
 Chinese Stories in Chinese Characters, Volume 2 (bilingual Chinese-English)<br>ISBN: 978-7-5406-7847-0, 9787540678470   Chinese Stories in Chinese Characters, Volume 2 (bilingual Chinese-English)
ISBN: 978-7-5406-7847-0, 9787540678470
 7.30CHF  Buy Now   Guangdong Jiaoyu Press - 广东教育出版社 
 Chinese Stories in Chinese Characters, Volume 3 (bilingual Chinese-English)<br>ISBN: 978-7-5406-7846-3, 9787540678463   Chinese Stories in Chinese Characters, Volume 3 (bilingual Chinese-English)
ISBN: 978-7-5406-7846-3, 9787540678463
 7.30CHF  Buy Now   Guangdong Jiaoyu Press - 广东教育出版社 
 Hao Huangcai, Wang Jiazhu: Giant and Spring (bilingual Chinese-English) (+ CD)<br>ISBN: 978-957-745-702-8, 9789577457028, 978-957-745-679-3, 9789577456793   Hao Huangcai, Wang Jiazhu: Giant and Spring (bilingual Chinese-English) (+ CD)
ISBN: 978-957-745-702-8, 9789577457028, 978-957-745-679-3, 9789577456793
 28.50CHF  Buy Now   GRIMM PRESS-格林文化 
 Lin Shiren, Chen Zhiyuan: Dajia yiqi ba luobo (Everyone, Pull) (bilingual Chinese-English) (+ CD)<br>ISBN: 978-986794294-4, 9789867942944, 9-789867-942944, 9789867942944   Lin Shiren, Chen Zhiyuan: Dajia yiqi ba luobo (Everyone, Pull) (bilingual Chinese-English) (+ CD)
ISBN: 978-986794294-4, 9789867942944, 9-789867-942944, 9789867942944
 20.60CHF  Buy Now   Heryin Books, Inc., Taiwan - 和英出版社 
 Liu Bole: Hei bai cunzhuang (Black Village and White Village) (bilingual Chinese [traditional characters] - English + CD)<br>ISBN: 978-986-7942-79-1, 9789867942791   Liu Bole: Hei bai cunzhuang (Black Village and White Village) (bilingual Chinese [traditional characters] - English + CD)
ISBN: 978-986-7942-79-1, 9789867942791
 20.60CHF  Buy Now   Heryin Books, Inc., Taiwan - 和英出版社 
 Liu Bole: Nishui Shifu (Master Masonl) (bilingual Chinese-English) (+ CD)<br>ISBN: 986-7942-57-4, 9867942574, 9-789867-942579, 9789867942579   Liu Bole: Nishui Shifu (Master Masonl) (bilingual Chinese-English) (+ CD)
ISBN: 986-7942-57-4, 9867942574, 9-789867-942579, 9789867942579
 18.60CHF  Buy Now   Heryin Books, Inc., Taiwan - 和英出版社 
 Shi'er shengxiao de gushi ("The story of the 12 Chinese zodiacal animals") (bilingual text and CD)<br>ISBN:978-7-5376-3612-4, 9787537636124   Shi'er shengxiao de gushi ("The story of the 12 Chinese zodiacal animals") (bilingual text and CD)
ISBN:978-7-5376-3612-4, 9787537636124
 15.30CHF  Buy Now   Hebei Children's Press - 河北少儿出版社 
 The Memory of Beijing - The Iron Gate Alleyway (bilingual Chinese-English)<br>ISBN: 978-7-5371-8144-0, 9787537181440   The Memory of Beijing - The Iron Gate Alleyway (bilingual Chinese-English)
ISBN: 978-7-5371-8144-0, 9787537181440
 7.00CHF  Buy Now   Xingjiang Qingshaonian Press-新疆青少年出版社 
 The Memory of Beijing - The Little Goldfish (bilingual Chinese-English)<br>ISBN: 978-7-5371-8145-7, 9787537181457   The Memory of Beijing - The Little Goldfish (bilingual Chinese-English)
ISBN: 978-7-5371-8145-7, 9787537181457
 7.00CHF  Buy Now   Xingjiang Qingshaonian Press-新疆青少年出版社 
 The Memory of Beijing - The Way Home from School (bilingual Chinese-English)<br>ISBN: 978-7-5371-8143-3, 9787537181433   The Memory of Beijing - The Way Home from School (bilingual Chinese-English)
ISBN: 978-7-5371-8143-3, 9787537181433
 7.00CHF  Buy Now   Xingjiang Qingshaonian Press-新疆青少年出版社 
 Tonghua hezi yousheng shuangyu huiben 1 ("Märchenkiste" - zweisprachige Bilderbücher mit Hörbuch-CD, Vol. 1)<br>ISBN:978-7-5600-8652-1, 9787560086521   Tonghua hezi yousheng shuangyu huiben 1 ("Märchenkiste" - zweisprachige Bilderbücher mit Hörbuch-CD, Vol. 1)
ISBN:978-7-5600-8652-1, 9787560086521
 17.00CHF  Buy Now   Foreign Language teaching and research press - 外语教学与研究出版社 (外研社) 
 Ye Ande: Wo he wo de jiaotache (Me and My Bike) (bilingual Chinese [traditional characters] - English, + CD)<br>ISBN: 986-7942-81-7, 9867942817, 978-986-7942-81-4, 9789867942814   Ye Ande: Wo he wo de jiaotache (Me and My Bike) (bilingual Chinese [traditional characters] - English, + CD)
ISBN: 986-7942-81-7, 9867942817, 978-986-7942-81-4, 9789867942814
 20.60CHF  Buy Now   Heryin Books, Inc., Taiwan - 和英出版社 
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The Memory of Beijing - The Iron Gate Alleyway (bilingual Chinese-English)<br>ISBN: 978-7-5371-8144-0, 9787537181440
The Memory of Beijing - The Iron Gate Alleyway (bilingual Chinese-English)
ISBN: 978-7-5371-8144-0, 9787537181440
The Memory of Beijing - The Little Goldfish (bilingual Chinese-English)<br>ISBN: 978-7-5371-8145-7, 9787537181457
The Memory of Beijing - The Little Goldfish (bilingual Chinese-English)
ISBN: 978-7-5371-8145-7, 9787537181457
Chinese Stories in Chinese Characters, Volume 1 (bilingual Chinese-English)<br>ISBN: 978-7-5406-7845-6, 9787540678456
Chinese Stories in Chinese Characters, Volume 1 (bilingual Chinese-English)
ISBN: 978-7-5406-7845-6, 9787540678456
The Memory of Beijing - The Way Home from School (bilingual Chinese-English)<br>ISBN: 978-7-5371-8143-3, 9787537181433
The Memory of Beijing - The Way Home from School (bilingual Chinese-English)
ISBN: 978-7-5371-8143-3, 9787537181433
Ye Ande: Wo he wo de jiaotache (Me and My Bike) (bilingual Chinese [traditional characters] - English, + CD)<br>ISBN: 986-7942-81-7, 9867942817, 978-986-7942-81-4, 9789867942814
Ye Ande: Wo he wo de jiaotache (Me and My Bike) (bilingual Chinese [traditional characters] - English, + CD)
ISBN: 986-7942-81-7, 9867942817, 978-986-7942-81-4, 9789867942814
Chen Zhiyuan: Mei mao ji (The Featherless Chicken) (bilingual Chinese-English) (+ CD)<br>ISBN: 986-7942-24-8, 9867942248, 978-986-7942-24-1, 9789867942241
Chen Zhiyuan: Mei mao ji (The Featherless Chicken) (bilingual Chinese-English) (+ CD)
ISBN: 986-7942-24-8, 9867942248, 978-986-7942-24-1, 9789867942241
Afanti jingdian gushi huiben xilie - Xiang lü weiba mao yiyang duo ("The classic tales of the Uighur Afanti series, picture book edition - Your Beard Is as Hairy as My Donkey's Tail", bilingual Chinese-English)<br>ISBN: 978-7-5371-5809-1, 9787537158091
Afanti jingdian gushi huiben xilie - Xiang lü weiba mao yiyang duo ("The classic tales of the Uighur Afanti series, picture book edition - Your Beard Is as Hairy as My Donkey's Tail", bilingual Chinese-English)
ISBN: 978-7-5371-5809-1, 9787537158091
Shi'er shengxiao de gushi ("The story of the 12 Chinese zodiacal animals") (bilingual text and CD)<br>ISBN:978-7-5376-3612-4, 9787537636124
Shi'er shengxiao de gushi ("The story of the 12 Chinese zodiacal animals") (bilingual text and CD)
ISBN:978-7-5376-3612-4, 9787537636124
Chen Zhiyuan: Adi he Zhuli (Artie and Julie) (bilingual Chinese [traditional characters] - English, + CD)<br>ISBN: 986-7942-82-5,  9867942825, 978-986-7942-82-1, 9789867942821
Chen Zhiyuan: Adi he Zhuli (Artie and Julie) (bilingual Chinese [traditional characters] - English, + CD)
ISBN: 986-7942-82-5, 9867942825, 978-986-7942-82-1, 9789867942821
Chinese Stories in Chinese Characters, Volume 2 (bilingual Chinese-English)<br>ISBN: 978-7-5406-7847-0, 9787540678470
Chinese Stories in Chinese Characters, Volume 2 (bilingual Chinese-English)
ISBN: 978-7-5406-7847-0, 9787540678470
Afanti jingdian gushi huiben xilie - yao shenme jiu gei ni shenme ("The classic tales of the Uighur Afanti series, picture book edition - You will Get What You Want", bilingual Chinese-English)<br>ISBN: 978-7-5371-5808-4, 9787537158084
Afanti jingdian gushi huiben xilie - yao shenme jiu gei ni shenme ("The classic tales of the Uighur Afanti series, picture book edition - You will Get What You Want", bilingual Chinese-English)
ISBN: 978-7-5371-5808-4, 9787537158084
Chinese Stories in Chinese Characters, Volume 3 (bilingual Chinese-English)<br>ISBN: 978-7-5406-7846-3, 9787540678463
Chinese Stories in Chinese Characters, Volume 3 (bilingual Chinese-English)
ISBN: 978-7-5406-7846-3, 9787540678463
Liu Bole: Hei bai cunzhuang (Black Village and White Village) (bilingual Chinese [traditional characters] - English + CD)<br>ISBN: 978-986-7942-79-1, 9789867942791
Liu Bole: Hei bai cunzhuang (Black Village and White Village) (bilingual Chinese [traditional characters] - English + CD)
ISBN: 978-986-7942-79-1, 9789867942791
Lin Shiren, Chen Zhiyuan: Dajia yiqi ba luobo (Everyone, Pull) (bilingual Chinese-English) (+ CD)<br>ISBN: 978-986794294-4, 9789867942944, 9-789867-942944, 9789867942944
Lin Shiren, Chen Zhiyuan: Dajia yiqi ba luobo (Everyone, Pull) (bilingual Chinese-English) (+ CD)
ISBN: 978-986794294-4, 9789867942944, 9-789867-942944, 9789867942944
Hao Huangcai, Wang Jiazhu: Giant and Spring (bilingual Chinese-English) (+ CD)<br>ISBN: 978-957-745-702-8, 9789577457028, 978-957-745-679-3, 9789577456793
Hao Huangcai, Wang Jiazhu: Giant and Spring (bilingual Chinese-English) (+ CD)
ISBN: 978-957-745-702-8, 9789577457028, 978-957-745-679-3, 9789577456793
Liu Bole: Nishui Shifu (Master Masonl) (bilingual Chinese-English) (+ CD)<br>ISBN: 986-7942-57-4, 9867942574, 9-789867-942579, 9789867942579
Liu Bole: Nishui Shifu (Master Masonl) (bilingual Chinese-English) (+ CD)
ISBN: 986-7942-57-4, 9867942574, 9-789867-942579, 9789867942579
Tonghua hezi yousheng shuangyu huiben 1 ("Märchenkiste" - zweisprachige Bilderbücher mit Hörbuch-CD, Vol. 1)<br>ISBN:978-7-5600-8652-1, 9787560086521
Tonghua hezi yousheng shuangyu huiben 1 ("Märchenkiste" - zweisprachige Bilderbücher mit Hörbuch-CD, Vol. 1)
ISBN:978-7-5600-8652-1, 9787560086521
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Chinese Classic Tales for Children, illustrated (with Pinyin) - Yuefei Zhuan<br>ISBN: 978-7-5342-4730-9, 9787534247309
Chinese Classic Tales for Children, illustrated (with Pinyin) - Yuefei Zhuan
ISBN: 978-7-5342-4730-9, 9787534247309

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Jimi (Jimmy Liao): Nimen women tamen (something about love)<br>ISBN:978-7-5110-0978-4, 9787511009784
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